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Leverage Scholar



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版本需求:需要 iOS 9.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Leverage Scholar(圖1)-速報App

The DSE Scholar Investment Challenge is a yearly edutainment campaign targeting Tanzanian youth in higher learning institutions. It is an online simulation of live trading at the DSE, where each participating group/individual is given a virtual startup capital to invest using the DSE real time information for a period of 3 months. The main objective of this campaign is to educate and encourage the youth to develop a culture of saving and investment by demonstrating in practical way why and how to buy and sell securities on DSE.

Leverage Scholar(圖2)-速報App

For a period of 3 months, participants were given access to the DSE real time information and a virtual startup capital of TZS 1 million to invest in securities listed on the DSE.

Leverage Scholar(圖3)-速報App

Students were challenged and expected to improve their business, finance and economic understanding and develop key mathematical techniques and applications in a collaborative and time-pressured environment. The challenge was set to provide a platform to developing or demonstrating an understanding of business and finance while also helping students to develop their personal learning, thinking and functional skills.

Leverage Scholar(圖4)-速報App

During the challenge, participants learned that prices, indices, information and other data in the stock exchange are affected not only by the fundamental performance of the listed companies, the sectors they are in, and the overall economic trends but also by the information in the news in addition to what other investors, investment analyst and brokers do, making for a genuinely interactive experience.

Leverage Scholar(圖5)-速報App

The winner of this Challenge is the team/individual considered by a panel of judges to have made the most sound investment decisions, the highest portfolio value and to have contributed better in the discussion forum. The leading student with the highest portfolio value has tripled his investment in a period of only three months of active investment. The top three winners will share a cash prize of TZS 2,000,000/- and internship placements.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad